The author of this site has been using THC-rich cannabis oils to treat stage III HR2+ breast cancer since 2019 (without chemo) .. with amazing success so far 🙂 Fingers crossed that it continues.
Article Review: Cannabis, CBD Oil, and Cancer (Cancer Research UK)
THC-Rich Cannabis Oils are commonly called RSO (Rick Simpson Oil) or FSCO (Full Spectrum Cannabis Oil). They are ALWAYS THC-rich.Â
![cannabis scientific evidence health](
‘Endocannabinoid System’ Endo – inside; cannabinoid(s) – what activates the system
![cannabis police raid medicine](
Until very recently, all cannabis research was carried out with plant material that had been seized in police raids.
ONLY the mature buds (flowers) are used to make extracts (not stalks or leaves as stated by Cancer Research UK!)
![cannabis suppository medical](
Something the Government Doesn’t Want You to Know: You won’t feel the effects of THC if you take the medicine (THC-rich Oil) in a suppository.
When the notion of cannabis being medicine came to light in the early years of the 21st century, most people found it difficult, if not impossible, to believe. And yet scientists from around the world were and still are reporting that cannabis is a ‘pharmaceutical treasure trove’ that is capable of treating a multitude of health conditions and diseases, including many that are deemed untreatable. This includes cancer.Â
Still. after decades of demonisation, the notion of cannabis being anything but a harmful, even dangerous drug, was/is still difficult for many people to grasp. And, even worse, when CBD products began flooding the market, nothing made sense to those using cannabis for both medicinal and recreational reasons, let alone those that had no knowledge of cannabis. Why? Because few, if any, people were using CBD-rich products. Instead, the vast majority of people using cannabis – whether medicinally or recreationally – were, and still are, doing so for the effects of THC. And this is where it would seem that we are being deliberately confused.
This is not to say that CBD does not have medicinal benefits. It does. But, according to research (LINK), these benefits are always enhanced by the presence of even the smallest amount of THC. Furthermore, and again, as reported scientifically, although CBD and THC-rich cannabis extracts are both able to treat certain diseases and health conditions, those that are THC-rich are able to treat far more. So when putting this into the context of Big Business, CBD (although beneficial) is simply a smokescreen to hide what most people now know – you can grow cannabis and make your own medicine if only it was legal.Â
So, while it might be amazing, even good news, to some people that a major British cancer charity has published an article about the potential of cannabis treating cancer, it is not. Instead, this article is misleading (at best), lacking in facts (absolutely), and deliberately deceptive? Possibly. After all, if CBD Oil could do what the British authorities claim, there would not be 1.6 million people (UK Gov. figures) currently using cannabis illegally for medicinal purposes alone.Â
1. CBD – the Star of the Show?Â
While there is no doubt that this article is strongly suggesting that CBD, in the form of CBD Oil, is the cannabinoid with the potential treatment to treat cancer, this is NOT true. Nevertheless, the strategic placement of ‘CBD Oil’ in the title indicates that it is CBD Oil that has a direct association with cancer, and the order of words (so cannabis = CBD Oil = cancer [treatment]) , supports this notion. So much so, that the reader could be forgiven for believing that CBD is the star of the show, when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.
This emphasis on CBD (or CBD Oil), continues throughout most of the article – almost as if CBD was the only cannabinoid in cannabis, when it is obviously not. In fact, THC (the real star of the show), is only mentioned twice, and only then to repeat its psychoactive effects, which is negative. There is no mention, whatsoever, of THC having any medical effects.Â
So we have CBD, the calming, sedative, cannabinoid with its potential to treat ‘pain, lower inflammation and decrease anxiety without the psychoactive ‘high’ effect of THC,’ and then we have THC, ‘a psychoactive substance that can create a high feeling. It can affect how your brain works, changing your mind and how you feel’Â (LINK). A bit like the ‘goody’ and the ‘baddy!’Â
Of course, all of the above is true. Both cannabinoids do have these effects, and many more besides, but as scientists have been reporting for decades, cannabis medicine works best when taken as a whole medicine – so including THC. This then causes the entourage effect, which brings about universal healing. This is because cannabis – as in ordinary, illegally-grown cannabis – includes both THC and CBD, and it has always done so. And the THC levels have always been greater that CBD. But no matter what the levels, for something to be cannabis it has to include THC. Hemp, which includes CBD only, is not cannabis. It is Hemp!
So, is CBD the star of the show? No, most definitely not. Although CBD does have healing qualities, it works far better when extracted from plants that include THC. Furthermore, until very recently, ALL research showing the plant’s healing capacity was conducted with ordinary, THC-rich cannabis plants. So not CBD-only plants, or even CBD-rich plants, but just ordinary, plain cannabis that had been grown illegally and seized during police raids.Â
So where exactly does CBD come into the picture? Well, as far as treating cancer is concerned, it doesn’t; or at least it does, but only as one of the substances naturally present in the THC-rich cannabis oils needed to treat the disease.  No-one should put their faith in CBD Oil or even CBD-rich oils to treat cancer because they won’t work. According to research, only Full Spectrum Cannabis Oils such as RSO are able to effectively treat cancer.Â
2. Cannabis Medicine & Our Endocannabinoid System
There are not different cannabis medicines; there is one; cannabis oil. This is the second oil mentioned in Cancer Research UK’s article. As a full-spectrum oil (FSCO), so including THC, it is this oil that scientists write about – not CBD Oil or any other formula. This is because it is FSCO ‘s (e.g. RSO –Â Rick Simpson Oil), that have the ability to treat untreatable disease such as cancer. Nothing else will do.Â
The reason that cannabis works for so many different health conditions and diseases is because we all have an endocannabinoid system. If this had been announced when it was discovered in 1992, or indeed at any point during the past few decades, people would have better understood how cannabis could be medicine. But here we are in 2024, and the media remains silent – as does this article published by Cancer Research UK – and yet the work of this system cannot be overestimated.Â
Our endocannabinoid system (ECS), is the largest system in the human body and in charge of all other systems (e.g. immune, respiratory, etc.). This is because its role is to balance (correct) and maintain our overall health. ‘Endo’ means ‘inside’ and ‘cannabinoid’ refers to what activates the system – cannabinoids. And the only place they can be found – and you’ve guessed it – is in cannabis plants!
Science shows that THC is the plant’s principle healer, which means that THC is the star of the show, not CBD. As previously mentioned, the only plants available for scientific study until very recently, were those that had been seized during police raids. This means that the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (1992), its relationship with cannabis, and why it is able to treat so many different health conditions, were all discovered using ordinary cannabis plants that almost anyone can grow.Â
The Oils Listed in Cancer Research UK's article
The article lists three oils: ‘CBD’ oil,’cannabis’oil, and ‘hemp’ oil, and then informs readers: ‘There are different types of oil made from parts of the cannabis plant.’ This is untrue, ALL oils, or any other form of cannabis medicine, is made using the buds (flowers) alone – fan leaves, stems, and roots are not used.Â
a. CBD Oil: According to Cancer Research UK, ‘CBD oil comes from the flowers of the cannabis plant and does not contain the psychoactive substance THC.’ Well, the truth is that any member of the cannabis species that does not include THC is NOT cannabis, it is hemp. CBD products sold in UK pharmacies are all derived from hemp – not cannabis.Â
b. Cannabis Oil: According to Cancer Research UK, ‘cannabis oil comes from the flowers, leaves and stalks of the cannabis plant. Cannabis oil often contains high levels of the psychoactive ingredient THC. Cannabis oil is illegal in the UK.’Â
First, the leaves and stalks of cannabis plants are not used to make medicine or used for anything else – including illegal use (e.g. no one smokes them!). They are discarded – hopefully into a compost or green waste. Only the buds (flowers) are used. So cannabis oil, which includes oils with higher levels of CBD than THC, are created from the harvested buds (flowers) of ordinary cannabis plants – no matter what the CBD/THC ratio.Â
Most medical cannabis patients choose strains with the highest THC levels possible because they are the most powerful, and they are needed to combat serious diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s, and so forth. Cannabis seedbanks have hundreds, if not thousands of varieties, with the description listing some of the desired affects (e.g. sleepiness, relaxation). This gives growers the means of which means different varieties can be grown – all giving the same or very similar outcomes.Â
This rich variety of seeds means that most people don’t buy the same seeds all the time. The only rule is that they are THC-rich (+18% for cancer), and the CBD level not that important. Because the oils made from any of these seeds/plants are being used to treat such a multitude of health conditions and diseases. It is that simple.
c. Hemp Oil: This is an oil that is made from hemp, which contains no THC – or less than 0.03% (for it to be legally classed has hemp). Most CBD health products (supplements) are derived from hemp. The plants share some aspects with cannabis, but are still very different (see photo in sidebar). Hemp has many uses, many industrial (e.g. wood varnish), but it can also be used for many other things, including food, fuel, clothing, etc.Â
The fact is that CBD Oil cannot and will not treat cancer – or even most other serious diseases. This is the truth, and also the reason for this article focusing on CBD, and deriving THC, so note that although Cancer Research UK admits that ‘cannabinoids might be useful as a cancer treatment,‘ it does not actually mention which cannabinoid it is talking about. Nevertheless, the article does admit:
Hemp is tall.. cannabis bushy
Full-Spectrum Cannabis Oil
2. Lying by Omission?
The article lists three oils: ‘CBD’ oil,’cannabis’oil, and ‘hemp’ oil, and then informs readers: ‘There are different types of oil made from parts of the cannabis plant.’ This is untrue, ALL oils, or any other form of cannabis medicine, is made using the buds (flowers) alone.Â
a. CBD Oil:Â There is no such thing as pure CBD Oil, unless it has been derived from Hemp (see the third oil), and that makes it Hemp Oil. In fact, the name itself is moot. CBD-only plants do not exist unless they are Hemp (this is where decades of demonisation and misinformation come in – do not believe the lies!). Perhaps the best way of explaining it is that even the minutest amount THC in any plant makes it cannabis, and oils without are hemp – there is no in between.Â
Just to be clear: there is such a thing as CBD-only oils. CBD- rich oils, such as those sold in health food stores as a food supplement, still have THC in them, but the amounts are so small that they do not make the person ‘high’ or experience any other side effects of THC. But the healing effects are no where near the same as those experienced by people using THC-rich extracts. In fact, research also shows that even the smallest level of THC seems to have a far greater impact on overall healing outcomes than medicines devoid of THC.Â
b. Cannabis Oil: According to Cancer Research UK, ‘cannabis oil comes from the flowers, leaves and stalks of the cannabis plant. Cannabis oil often contains high levels of the psychoactive ingredient THC. Cannabis oil is illegal in the UK.’Â
First, the leaves and stalks of cannabis plants are not used to make medicine or used for anything else – including illegal use. Only the buds (a name now changed to ‘flowers’ by the authorities, despite their lack of colour!), are used. So cannabis oil, which includes the so-called ‘CBD’ Oil listed above, are created from the harvested buds (flowers) of ordinary cannabis plants, which naturally include THC – no matter what it’s CBD ratio.Â
This form of cannabis oil is the one that treats the multitude ofÂ
Most medical cannabis patients choose strains with the highest THC levels possible because these are the most powerful, and needed to combat serious diseases such as cancer, Parkinson’s, and so forth.Â
So it should come as no surprise that the best cannabis extracts are those that include both, because that is how Mother Nature made them.Â
appears that the British authorities have thrust, and are still trying to thrust, CBD (or CBD Oil), onto centre stage.
The reason for this is because Britain’s medical cannabis industry are producing cannabis medicines that they want to market (e.g. Epidiolex, which is a CBD-only product). Their other product is Sativex (50/50 CBD/THC), which although produced to treat the symptoms of MS, is currently being used (along with chemotherapy) in medical trials for brain cancer. And, as everyone using cannabis to treat cancer knows, 50% THC is way to low. Yes, the medicine will slow the cancer’s growth (possibly), and the medicine will help with the side effects of chemotherapy, but the mix is wrong because it’s NOT natural – there is not enough THC. Â
 but the article doesn’t mention that there is even less research for CBD than there is for THC, or that scientists concede that CBD works best when used in conjunction with THC (even in very small amounts).
Although somewhat boring in its repetition of what is commonly known; e.g. that cannabis use is legal,
It’s an interesting article – somewhat boring in its repetition of what is commonly known; e.g. that cannabis use is illegal – but it does admit that ‘cannabinoids might be useful as a cancer treatment‘ and that results (again, in mice) show that different cannabinoids can; (a) cause cell death; (b) block cell growth; (c) stop the development of blood vessels – needed for tumours to grow; (d) reduce inflammation; and (e) reduce the ability of cancers to spread. You just need to scroll down the page to find it.
All of this is true. There are literally thousands of studies (worldwide) showing that cannabis extracts treat cancer in rodents, but what the article fails to mention is that these pre-clinical studies were ALL conducted using cannabis that had been seized during police raids – so nothing special, and certainly THC-rich. . Â
Cannabis is naturally high in THC because that is how mother nature made it. And, while CBD obviously does haveÂ
 In other words, cannabis is not man-made, and it is best used in its natural form – especially when using it for medicinal purposes. It is from thisand despite what the authorities state, THC-rich products have been around for decades. Perhaps not in such quantities, or with such a wide choice, but they have always been around in one form or another.Â
But . In contrast, the healing qualities of THC, the main cannabinoid in cannabis, is not mentioned at all,Â
 is a psychoactive substance that can create a ‘high’ feeling. It can affect how your brain works, changing your mood and how you feel.Â
 is a cannabinoid that may relieve pain, lower inflammation and decrease anxiety without the psychoactive ‘high’ effect of THC.Â
In contrast, THC – the main cannabinoid in cannabis – is hardly mentioned at all, and when it is, it is only to repeat the so-called ‘dangers’ and side effects of the demonised cannabinoid. Â
 also throughout most of given central stage almost throughout the entire article – that is, until we get to the description of what cannabis does to cancer. Here the author chooses not to use the name ‘CBD Oil’ but the more inclusive ‘cannabinoids.’ Either way, the objective is to muddy the waters once again – they do not want you to know which cannabinoid does the trick, despite the fact that every piece of research from abroad has been telling us for years that it’s THC.
So, this discovery is nothing new; or at least it isn’t abroad, where treating cancer with THC-rich cannabis extracts has become commonplace in many countries. What is new for the UK, is that its finally been discovered by British ‘discovered’ by the British cannabis industry.Â
The first study showing the potential of cannabis to treat cancer dates back to1974, and there was an explosion of research following the discovery of the endocannabinoid system (1992) because of the essential role it plays in ‘all human disease’ (see sidebar). But few people knew this in Britain at that time, because no mention was made of this new discovery in mainstream media, and when it is mentioned
 in 1992 the more recent interest in cannabis as medicine was ignited by the discovery of not just a new physiological system in humans, but one that is in charge of all others because its essential role is to keep us healthy. And how does it do that? You guessed it.. through ingesting cannabis.
Discovered in 1992, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the biggest in our bodies, and it is in charge of all other systems (e.g. immune, respiratory, etc.), because its essential role is to balance and maintain every aspect of our health.Â
 the endocannabinoid system way back in 1992. And if you’ve never heard of it, you are far from alone.Â
And this is something that Cancer Research fails to mention in its article. still being ignored in the UK.Â
 the recent interest in cannabis as medicine, including its ability to treat cancer, dates way back to the early 1990s because that is when they discovered a new physiological system in our bodies, as well as all other mammals. This system, , and the medicine that interacts with it – cannabis.
and in fact numerous more followedand reports pertaining to its ability to treat many other health conditions soon followed.Â
Seemingly overnight, r And that is something that many people have struggled with because it raises an important question: How can one plant be capable of treating so many different health conditions?
Well, perhaps people would have understood if they had been informed of the discovery of our endocannabinoid system back in over four decades ago (1992)! This system, which is the largest in the human body and in charge of all other systems (e.g. immune, respiration, etc.), is responsible for balancing and maintaining our health – and, the best bit, it is cannabis that activatesÂ
s did other researchers along with an avalanche of other reports  avelanche What is not mentioned is the endocannabinoid system.
The most important factor, although unsurprising, is that there is no mention of the endocannabinoid system (discovered in 1992) anywhere in the article. And yet it is via this system that cannabis is able to bring about healing and relief in so many different health conditions. Named after the substances that activate it – cannabinoids – and the reason that cannabis reform continues to take place around the world. Discovered in 1992,Â
 And yet the reason that cannabis works medicinally for so many different health conditions is because it is cannabis that activates the system and bring. Despite its discovery in 1992, its existence has never really been made public, and yet thisÂ
Despite this article’s highly suggestive title (Cannabis, CBD Oil and Cancer), there is NO research showing that CBD Oil (alone) is capable of treating cancer. Until recently, cannabis research (abroad) focused on discovering more about the ‘potential’ dangers from the effects of THC, and they did so using ordinary, but illegally-grown cannabis (their only source). Â
ary, street-grown cannabis because that was (is) its goal. This, somewhat obviously, means that all of the research discovered over the past several decades was found with these THC-rich strains. And it is their extracts, and theirs alone, that is able to bring healing and relief to many different health conditions.Â
but this research has all taken place overseas. It, and it still does today, and it also used ordinary, illegally-grown, street cannabis to conduct their research becauseÂ
, because their search was focused on discovering more about THC and is effects – and it is still is. This is because these cannabis plants, or the extracts made from them, are able to treat not only cancer, but a multitude of other health conditions and diseases.Â
.  fact, the research on CBD as a whole is miniscule, almost non-existent, in comparison to the wealth of studies we have on THC ordinary plant materialÂ
And there is no one – as in not one single person – that has successfully used CBD Oil to treat cancer, whereas there are millions of people across the world reporting incredible results when using THC-rich cannabis oils to treat their cancer.Â
, and despite the hype surrounding CBD, research strongly suggests that the cannabinoid is far more effective in whole medicine extracts (e.g. RSO, FSCO – see side panel). Â
ould be good news; after all, medical cannabis is being used to treat a multitude of health diseases and conditions abroad, including cancer. Except, once again, the British authorities are muddying the waters.Â
There is no research showing that CBD Oil (or CBD taken in any form), is able to treat cancer. Instead, research relating to cannabinoids and cancer has all been carried out with THC-rich cannabis extracts for decades, so this notion of CBD being the main healer is beyond poppycock.
, and even the suggestion of it being the compound that treats cancer rather that , and the results all show the same: they (a) stop the development of blood vessels (needed for tumors to grow); (b) they cause cell death; (c) they cause cancer cells to self-destruct (commit suicide); (d) they reduce inflammation; and (e) they reduce the ability of cancers to spread.Â
Why people with cancer use it
Cannabis has been used medicinally and recreationally for hundreds of years.Â
There has been a lot of interest into whether cannabinoids might be useful as a cancer treatment. The scientific research done so far has been laboratory research, with mixed results, so we do not know if cannabinoids can treat cancer in people.Â
Results have shown that different cannabinoids can:
- cause cell death
- block cell growth
- stop the development of blood vessels – needed for tumours to grow
- reduce inflammation
- reduce the ability of cancers to spread
Scientists also discovered that cannabinoids can:
- sometimes encourage cancer cells to grow
- cause damage to blood vesselsÂ
Cannabinoids have helped with sickness and pain in some people.
Although it is encouraging to see one of Britain’s major cancer charities finally admitting that cannabis has been shown to treat cancer, the article is so misleading (at best). This is because both the article’s title and content places CBD, or more precisely CBD Oil, at its absolute centre, the centre of its its centre, while almost completely ignoring its far moreÂ
 that it simply reinforces what the British public knows; that it is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol),not CBD) that is the healing force in cannabis.Â
the article’s emphasis , but there is so much misinformation and ambiguous statements that it raise that it would be very easy for those seeking answers about whether cancer is ab the article is very misleading, and lacking in facts. The main issues addressed in this review are; (a) the focus on CBD Oil; 9
First, there is the title itself, Cannabis, CBD Oil and Cancer, which strongly suggests that CBD treats cancer, when it does not.Â
The article opens up with the usual statements surrounding the illegality of cannabis and its side effects, and then once again brings the focus back to CBD Oil, before summarising on what is known about cannabis so far – but it does so without mentioning THC. The British authorities are determined to make CBD the star of the show, despite what research show